WhatsApp is working on a new feature that will allow you to set WhatsApp favorite contacts for quick calling. In this article, I have shared about it in detail.
WhatsApp frequently launches new features to its application. Now is the time to test the new feature, which allows you to set a favorite contact for quick calling. This feature is currently available for the beta version of Whatsapp for iOS, and Whatsapp may soon launch this feature for all users.
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According to the sources reveals that this feature will let you pin 4 contacts at the top of their call tab so they can quickly access their favorite contacts without scrolling through the list. I will be able to arrange those pinned contacts according to their preferences.
You can simply search for the contacts, include them in your favorite list, and pin them in the contact tab, as shown in the screenshot below.
How to use the WhatsApp Favorite Contacts For Quick Calling Feature
Using this feature is going to be very easy. You just need to tap and hold on contact in the call tab and select the pin option from the menu. A pint contact will appear with a star icon at the top of the call tab. To unpin or delete the favorite call From the pinned call tab, then you can swipe left to unpin.
You can access this WhatsApp feature by downloading it from testflight Apple’s platform for testing beta apps. If you want to try this feature of WhatsApp, you have to join the WhatsApp beta program, which comes with limited slots. If you are not able to join the beta version, then you can wait for the feature to be released. For some users of WhatsApp, it may take some time to launch officially.
WhatsApp is actively working on providing a better facility to their users by launching the latest features and some features like favorite contact for quick calls are coming soon for all users.